Rooms for rent Naples

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Rooms for rent Naples

You have made this search: Rooms for rent Naples, and have therefore come to, Europe's big portal for apartments and housing for rent. Please note that the search results below not necessarily match your search Rooms for rent Naples. If you don't find housing rentals that match your search, you can use the filter above to find housing rentals that match your search. It is emphasized that you should also uphold the law when renting or letting.

Useful to know when you are looking for apartment in Naples

Right next to the famous volcano Vesuvius, and the famous ancient city of Pompeii in Italy, lies the third largest city of Italy of 3,085 million inhabitants. Naples has a rich history which dates all the way back to the Greeks, and Romans afterwards. This means the city is full of charming, old and architecturally interesting buildings. In fact it’s the home of three castles, two royal palaces, and several ancient ruins. 

As you walk through the streets, you’ll however not only be presented with several centuries of architecture, you’ll also catch a wonderful smell from one of the many pizzerias and pastarias. The city has a huge gastronomical scene and is known for using only the best quality produce, as this is an area Italians will not compromise in terms of dining. Cafés are on every street corner, and here you’ll likely find yourself in a conversation with one of the customers. The neapolitans are known as very welcoming people and will make you feel at home in a whiff of time. 

The locals still have a good grasp on the city, which you’ll experience both in the streets and cafés, but also concerning retail. Artisan workshops and family-run businesses are still in the lead, next to the global chains. This makes shopping quite interesting for the locally interested. 

Right outside of the city is plenty of naturalistic experiences and the fresh air you’re likely to miss in the urban city centre. Besides the national park Vesuvius with mountains and the volcano, beautiful coastlines of booming nature fills the surrounding areas. Parks are also scattered throughout the city if you need a short getaway from the busy streets.

The city is quite accessible for parents as well, as the public schools are free and ranked well in Italy. You’ll also find housing, and healthcare way cheaper than Milan and Rome. Neither lack anything in terms of quality though.