Other Linz

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Other Linz

You have made this search: Other Linz, and have therefore come to Housingtarget.com, Europe's big portal for apartments and housing for rent. Please note that the search results below not necessarily match your search Other Linz. If you don't find housing rentals that match your search, you can use the filter above to find housing rentals that match your search. It is emphasized that you should also uphold the law when renting or letting.

Useful to know when you are searching for apartment in Linz

Linz is the third largest city in Austria, and the capital of Upper Austria. It’s located right on the riverside of Danube. Linz covers an area of 95.99 km sq. km and has a population of 204,846 (2018).

'In Linz beginnt’s' goes the austrian aphorism, which translates to ‘In Linz it begins’. This saying perfectly represents what the city stands for, and what it contributes to the country. Creativity and cultural heritage are keywords in this equation as well. They beautifully capture how it’s possible to preserve and maintain relics of the past like buildings, yet still let the city around it evolve and modernize. Linz is especially good at keeping the pulse on the evolution of technology, and was named the City of Smart Tourism in the categories of cultural heritage and creativity. The city offers an inspiring and burgeoning cultural scene, bold public art installations, street art and galleries with demeanors cut for sci-si movies. Apart from this, It was also announced as a Unesco City of Media Arts in 2014.

In terms of preservation of the stunning architecture built centuries ago, Linz clarifies the importance of understanding and respecting the past in order to move forward. In the city’s Alstadt or ‘Old town’, you’ll find beautifully preserved baroque treasures. The greatest, and perhaps largest construction from this period is the Mariendom, or Neuer Dom, an overwhelmingly detailed cathedral with flying buttresses, a riot of pinnacles, and an interior bathed in the light from the stained glass windows. 

Linz is also known for their cake, the Linzer Torte, which is said to be one of the oldest cakes made by recipe, as the original recipe dates back to 1653. You can find these in many of the bakeries around town with a coffee on the side. In addition to this, the dining scene in Linz is generally well standing and full of delicious options.