Housing Milan

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Housing Milan

You have made this search: Housing Milan, and have therefore come to Housingtarget.com, Europe's big portal for apartments and housing for rent. Please note that the search results below not necessarily match your search Housing Milan. If you don't find housing rentals that match your search, you can use the filter above to find housing rentals that match your search. It is emphasized that you should also uphold the law when renting or letting.

Useful to know when you are looking for apartment in Milan

Milan is the so-called paradise for fashion lovers in Europe. It’s the proud host of the world-famous Milan fashion week twice every year, where people from all over the world gather to watch some of the most influential brands showcase their upcoming collections. Aside from every fashionista's dream, Milan is the second largest city in Italy with around 1,352 million (2017) citizens. Living in Milan can be described as a great cultural, and metropolitan experience. It’s truly a city where the charm of an early settlement meets the modern and high-end urban life.

You’ll have direct access to many galleries, theatres, historical sights, and gastronomic experiences. Famous sights like Duomo, the huge cathedral, Museo del Novecento, and many more, are all located in the centre of Milan, only a small walk from each other.

The nightlife is nothing beneath spectacular as well, and full of luxury. The fast-paced urban life doesn’t go to sleep when the work day ends, it just continues in the deluxe restaurants and the lavish clubs. 

The city is full of new startups as well, especially within the tech field. Companies like Microsoft, Google and Apple have large branches in the city. If the metropolitan everyday doesn't seem like a dream to you, right outside the city borders you’ll find serene and gorgeous landscapes. Along this, the famous Garda lake is located only an hour from the city centre by car. 

It’s a secret to no one that Milan generally is an expensive city to settle, however getting around fx. via. public transport is in fact rather affordable, and very efficient. You’ll also find everything you need on the weekdays within walking distance. In terms of living abroad as an expat with kids, the city has a large amount of international education opportunities. The city is quite multicultural, and therefore generally very accessible to expats.