Housing in Nice

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Housing in Nice

You have made this search: Housing in Nice, and have therefore come to Housingtarget.com, Europe's big portal for apartments and housing for rent. Please note that the search results below not necessarily match your search Housing in Nice. If you don't find housing rentals that match your search, you can use the filter above to find housing rentals that match your search. It is emphasized that you should also uphold the law when renting or letting.

Useful to know when you are searching for apartment in Nice

Nice is the second largest city in France on the Mediterranean and home to 341,032 inhabitants (2018). It’s located on the southern coast of France just around 30 km away from the Italian border.

Nice is and has always been known as a place for leisure. All the way back to the 18th century, people would gather in Nice to stroll on the sun-touched promenade and swim in the tempered ocean. Nice has grown and matured a bit since then of course, but the streets still emit the feeling of overwhelming relaxation. Nice is a common travel destination for many Europeans which means the streets are sure to be bustling with life in the summer. Nice is on the larger side, however it’s still accessible by foot. Public transport is efficient, and you can choose between both busses and the tramway. You can even rent a bike and ride around the promenade.

Nice has been called Nice la Belle by many and takes pride in the nickname. The name doesn’t just appear out of nowhere though, as charming belle-epoque style architecture grace the streets with an authentic French vibe. Nice was likely founded in 350 BC. by the Romans, which means the city has a rich history of cultural impact. Nice is home to many cultural and historic sights such as the old town, Vieux Nice, where new eateries, shops and delis have emerged inside the centuries old buildings, the Cathédrale Orthodoxe Russe St-Nicolas and Palais Lascaris. The city also has the honor to showcase many great artists in museums such as Matisse at the Musée Matisse. 

Apart from cultural experiences, Nice offers a broad range of outdoor activities. The beaches are typically the preferred outdoor destination, as the mediterranean sea lures the tourists with it’s balmy temperature in summer, however if you venture inwards by car, you’ll find vigorous vine-yards and a beginning mountain scenery. The local vine-yards supply many of the restaurants in town with wine, which means you won’t go home disappointed.

The cuisine in Nice is mainly French, however because of its proximity to Italy and the Mediterranean, you’ll find way more seafood and pasta.

Southwest of the city lies the International airport of Nice, with direct flights to all over Europe, which makes the city accessible for many expats with families in other countries. 

Nice is also known to be a quite safe city, with a low rate of crime.