Apartment for rent, Ymittos, Attica, Nansen
Nansen, Ymittos- Apartment for rent
- 35 m2
- 750 EUR per month
- Apartment for rent
- 35 m2
- 750 EUR per month
Apartment for rent, Ymittos, Attica, Nansen
Report error- 7731607
- Apartment
- 35 m2
- 8.1.2025
- 750 EUR
- Yes
Apartment for rent in Ymittos, Attica
*** Check in starts from 14:00pm untill 22:00..late check in is available from 22:00 untill 24:00 with an extra fee of 15euros cash***
Based on the GR Law for short term bookings till 60 days the tenants need to pay extra the following costs:
1). City Tax 0.50 euros per day for the period Nov - Feb and 1.5 euros per day for the period March - Oct.
Please, note that rent prices include VAT 13% based on the GR law for short term bookings till 60 days.
For stays more than 2 (two) months (when its possible) a discount applies in the rental price.
Information and data
This apartment for rent, which is furnished, is located on Nansen in Ymittos. Ymittos has the zip code 17237 and is located in Attica. The size of the rental is in total 35 m2. The apartment is being rented out as an ordinary rental. The apartment is available to rent from 8.1.2025. The rent is 750 EUR per month.
Frequently asked questions
Statistics on the development of available apartments for rent in Ymittos over the past month
Below you can see the development of available apartments for rent in Ymittos over the past month. In the first column you see the date. In the second column you see the total amount of apartments for rent in Ymittos on the date. In the third column you see the amount of new apartments in Ymittos that was available for rent on the date. In the fourth column you see the amount of apartments in Ymittos that was rented on the date. Also see aggregate statistics on all available apartments in Ymittos over time, aggregate statistics on new apartments in Ymittos over time, aggregate statistics on rented apartments in Ymittos over time
Date | All apartments for rent | New apartments for rent | Rented apartments |
26. December 2024 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
Statistics on currently available apartments for rent in Ymittos
In the table below, you see a series of data about available apartments to rent in Ymittos.Also see gathered statistics of all available apartments in Ymittos over time, the gathered statistics of new apartments in Ymittos over time, the gathered statistics of rented apartments in Ymittos over time
Apartments | |
Available rentals | 1 |
New rentals since yesterday | 0 |
Rented out | 0 |
Ledige m2 i alt | 35 |