About Housingtarget.com
Housingtarget.com is a large search engine, portal, and marketplace for renting and leasing rental properties. The service is based on groundbreaking, self-developed, and unique technology that extensively uses data automation.
Housingtarget.com is built on several technological areas that together make the service globally leading in terms of technology. The service operates on two main technological pillars:
Housingtarget.com is partly based on a self-developed marketplace that matches potential tenants with landlords. The platform uses data automation extensively to perform these matches. In short, our system uses historical data on successful matches between users to model and predict, for example, which tenants are most likely to rent certain rental properties. Based on this, our system forecasts which tenants and landlords are most likely to agree on a deal. Then, the contact between them is mediated.
Housingtarget.com also relies technologically on a self-developed crawling technology that scans the web and collects almost all available rental properties for lease and sale, allowing our users to see all rental properties in one place. Our crawler technology uses data automation extensively to search the web and gather data from various channels, so the work can be done as automatically, efficiently, and cost-effectively as possible. In short, our system uses cumulative knowledge of website structuring to model how websites are best crawled, and cumulative knowledge of web searching to model where the best websites to crawl are found.
Key points about Housingtarget.com:
1: All products that upgrade to a paid user operate on a rolling subscription basis without binding, which is clearly communicated in all parts of the purchase flow.
2: You must be a paying user to access the full range of services.
3: There may occasionally be rare errors in the search engine, where a property appears as available for a short period, even though it is no longer available on the landlord's website.
Always remember to check the landlord before you transfer a payment. Read what you should be aware of here.
Housingtarget.com: HT Medier ApS,
Mynstersvej 3, 1827 Frederiksberg C, Denmark
CVR no: 36 99 77 61
Read more about our service here. Contact us via [email protected]